Miss Nurul Farida

A page that actually prepared for my students wen i was teaching in terengganu. but now i make it as a formal page for IPD notes which later will be compiled as a folio.

Friday, March 23, 2007


with our guru pembimbing, puan vanitha

Year 2 Wibawa pupils


and the time has finally come! the final day of SBE. today was also our Language Interaction Camp. (Fun With English). the program started off with Year 2 pupils singing DO RE MI. as expected they were very excited when it came to singing. afta that, they were formed into 4 groups. Apple, Strawberry, Orange and Kiwi (tolong jgn imported fruits jer?) the first game was "WORD RACE" a word was given to them and they hafta form as many words as possible based on the letters in the given word. ok la.. sumer pon boleh wat walopon baru dajah 2. they were really excited to win the game.

after WORD RACE, they asked for "If you're happy" song. ikot kan jer.. nyanyi lagik budak2 nie.. kitorang pon nyanyi jugak. idzwan n kanesh tolong jgn wat sumer gesture n movement. ngalahkan budak2. baguih tol depa nie.

the next game was CHARADES, followed by nyanyi lagik. then last game was HANGMAN. then nyanyi lagik "the more we get together" they formed a big circle and moved around the big circle. comey sgt! n the most awaited event was prize giving ceremony. excitednye mereka dapat hadiah dari kami walopon tak seberapa. yer la dah allowance tak masok lagik, takkan nak bagi yg grand2 kot. no no no no (ikot style im)

idzwan giving sourvenir to the headmistress

i believe that the interaction camp went very smoothly. like wat has been planned. alhamdulillah.. then off to canteen. makan ler pe lagik. sedap GIL soto tadik, sampai rase nak makan 2 mangkuk! soto tu macam soto, astuh ade taugeh, ayam yg disiat2 astuh cili yg sedap n kuah tomyam? cam aneh tapi sedap GIL. kanesh tolong jgn makan sampai 2 mangkuk. tersenyum2 cikgu yg menengok dia makan. tak kesah pown... sue siap blanje ice cream utk sumer orang. kanesh blanje air. idzwan n i tolong jgn nak makan jer? hihii.. tapi mase nak bayar our guru pembimbing said the headmistress blanje. cheh. tau gitu dah bedal satu mangkuk lagik. huhu.. n ice cream sgt la dibelanjai oleh makcik canteen. huhuhu.,. sekali lagik, kalo tau gitu, dah amik cornetto.. ehehe..

the best teammates ever: idzwan, kanesh, nurul n suhaila.

hurmm... we started to love the school on our very last day, the teachers started to be warm n friendly. n we felt very relaxed and relief as we've run the language program quite well. dah amik2 gamba sumer, salam2, tuka2 no phone. as we were packing our things, nak balik dah ni. one of year 2 pupils entered teachers room and gave us a gift. with only my name on it "to cikgu farida" so sweet. n for sure la its meant for me. my other teammates tolong jgn jeles ok. huhuhu.. sedey pulak rase. while all of us in car, nak balik dah nie, bebudak nie lambai, termasok la makcik guard. pilu lak rase. takpe2. nanti kitorang TAK datang lagi k. heee....

excuse the spelling of my name. its Farida ok..


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