Miss Nurul Farida

A page that actually prepared for my students wen i was teaching in terengganu. but now i make it as a formal page for IPD notes which later will be compiled as a folio.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


i am really2 exhausted! all of us are too. sejak start SBE ni rase cam banyak GIL keje nak kene setta. dari yang GIL penting sampai la ke yg tak berape nak penting sgt tapi sgt la dianggap penting. tah hape2. besides being very bz with our assignments and tasks here in tis maktab, we are also burdened with burdening tasks from the school. as far as im concerned, during SBE, we are not supposed to relieve classes, do school works that should be done by the school teachers. tapi nak wat camne kan, dah dapat team mate yg sgt baek hati belake, asal cekgu2 tu mintak tolong, jer, orait sepanjang mase, willing sepanjang mase, tak kisah punye. padahal kije IPD, english, dan segale macam subjek lagi melambak2 tak terbuat..

one thing i dun undastand (all of us in fact) y do we hafta do tis n tat for a subject that is not really important (as we are doing TesL). for PAS, we are forced to go taman negara for we hafta pay 150. n the worse is we dun get our allowance yet. takay subjek yg 1 period seminggu tu sampai beriya2 nak p jejauh watpe? tapi biase la kami, nak cakap depan2 tu susah sket la. kang derhaka pulak. siyes tanak p. da lect in charge asked me to find students from other 2 groups to swap la citer nie. tapi sape nak? dah la bayar mahal, pegi tmpt yg tak brape nak best lak tu. dengan elaun yg lom masok lak tu.

next week is school holiday, n our holiday jugak. but am not going back home coz kena p taman negara. moreover, my parents are coming. lagipon keje banyak nak kene setta. esok luse kene p skola lagik. afta holiday pon skola gak. i prefer going to classes la dari duk skola tu. d environment tak brape best sgt la. arap memember kumpulan jer yg cam besh n happening kengkadang.

heh. keje banyak GIL sempat lagik nak berblog. tlg wat keje skang ok...


At 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam Dear Akak, nama pun SBE. please do accept the facts that "it is an experience". Comparing your college teachings experience and the SBE , the similarities are there but only the environment may differ.

To be exposed to another jungle is an experience, say you may be placed there. :). All in all , as mentioned during our meeting, say yes to the assignments as the assessments are there.

Preparing for the world of education Malaysia you have to bear the excercises as none you'll get from others. Be please of the needs of education Malaysia. Best wishes ....Azizi :))

At 2:40 AM, Blogger mn said...

thanks for d aspiring advice sir. i try to finish all da works during vacation.


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