Miss Nurul Farida

A page that actually prepared for my students wen i was teaching in terengganu. but now i make it as a formal page for IPD notes which later will be compiled as a folio.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Trip to National Park

3 days 2 nites spent at Taman Negara was such a memorable experience. at first, i was not so interested to going there but then since it was made compulsory for our groups, i guess i juz have to. on the first day we went to visit perkampungan orang asli. i was amazed by the villagers who could speak somewhat proper english and bahasa. they did not even go to school to get proper education. they learnt the languages from the tourists. wow! suddenly remember wat i've studied in sociolingustics. then the journey went on... we went to discover gua telinga. i've seen some pics at persona village resort. there were snakes, frogs and lotssssssssa bats! it scared me to death! but fortunately we juz found bats.. no snakes no big frogs. but the cave was really sempit! we hafta crawl and move in many painful ways. and to breath oxygen mixed with the smell of bats' faeces! yew!

day 2 was a longgggggggggg journey. we started walking, climbing from 9am to 3pm! tis jungle trekking was much tougher than BIG. all of us were very exhausted. we only had fried mee for breakfast. tu pon tak cukop. tah pape ntah pengurusan chalet tu. asyik tak cukop jer makanan. even tho' the hiking is tiring but my tiredness was swept away by doing Canopy walk. besh besh! 3 jam canopy walk pon takpe! hehehe. but pity for people who were fear of height. nadia n sarah in particular. :D oh, did i mention we saw "babi hutan" while we were trekking. it was scary and it was quite frustrating as none of us snapped the pic of the animal. takot seyy.. buatnye ia tekejut dek flash camera, disondolnye kite camne?

the last activity for da day was rapid shooting! water splash! it was very exciting and refreshing. thank God my camera was ok even tho' it was heavily splashed by encik hashim. huh!

n da most awaited activity for the program was BBQ! the chicken, sausages and fishes were delicious and beautifully cooked. sumer pon sodap la cume air sarsi tolong jgn tawar sgt.tolong tambah gule sket?

i enjoyed da trip very much although i was not really interested at first. btol la orang kate tak kenal maka tak chenta. dan kini daku jatoh chenta dengan taman negara but been there once was enuff. no 2nd time please.

p/s: i've put up some pics in my fotopages. http://coy1882.fotopages.com


At 10:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

even though best, tlg tak nak pegi lg tmpt yg kena jln jauh n naik bukit. tlg nak pi cameron plak mkn strawberry? heheh..nurul mesti tak suka sbb takde jambatan gantung kn..sian dia pening dlm bas..anyway..we had good time kn?

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

tlg tak nak pi lg tmpt yg kena jln jauh n naik/turun bukit memanjang. bole tak nak gi cameron plak? jln2 mkn strawberry? nurul mesti tak suka kn..sbb takde jambatan gantung dia..heheh..sia dia pening2 otw balik..masa pegi tak kena plak..anyway..we had fun, kan?


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