Miss Nurul Farida

A page that actually prepared for my students wen i was teaching in terengganu. but now i make it as a formal page for IPD notes which later will be compiled as a folio.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


26/02/2007 (FIRST VISIT)


Today was our first visit to SK Jalan Selangor 2 for SBE. Since it was on Monday, there was an assembly. It started off with speech from teacher who acted as a chairperson. The first agenda is the recitation of Negaraku, Selangor and the school song. After that was speech from Headmistress Puan Vigneswari. All of us (Idzwan, Kanesh, Suhaila and I) were introduced by her. Our Guru Pembimbing is Puan Vanitha.

After that pupils who are representing the school for Public Speaking competition have to rehearse in front of their friends to make give them ideas of speaking in front of the crowd and to overcome their nervousness. There were three pupils showing their talents performing story-telling to their friends. The stories are “Salji Putih” and “The history of Prophet Ilyas”.

We were brought to teachers’ room and we introduced ourselves to the teachers in the room. Some of them are warm and friendly and few of them could even hardly smile to us.

We were informed by the headmistress that the school will be hosting interschool Public Speaking competition. For this Friday, there will be singing competition but we won’t be there. Just now we were training the pupils to sing “You are my sunshine” with gesture, movement, facial expression and what not.

Most of the pupils are controllable but there are some of them who are quite naughty yet the brightest among their friends. I did my first mistake by smiling and be friendly to pupils. Suhaila told me to be stern and unfriendly but I just could not. Previously I was teaching college students. I was not stern. I was kind and very approachable. However, for this time, I guess I just have to change.

One significant incident that I would like to point out is when they communicate, Indian and Chinese would speak in English. But when it comes to Malay pupils, be it with Chinese or Indian, automatically they will communicate in Bahasa. It is the same phenomenon here.

Monday, February 19, 2007


the lecturers
singing heart out in the jungle
our team KPLI B

dalam bas yg sgt canteq dan sgt sejuk aircondnye hingga mampu wat akku demam seminggu

before departure

kendid ler pulak...
my tent-mates. hani, me, suzy, nadia n jaja
nek speedboat
before kembara.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Date : 13/02/2007
Time : 11.30-13.30
Venue : G102
Topic : Guidance in Education

Today Encik Azizi was not around since he’s got dental problem. At first we thought there would be no class. But then, there came Encik Awab substituting him. Adoi… Class B never gets to rest. It will never be NO class.

The lecturer who replaced our permanent lecturer for that particular subject discussed about topic “Guidance in Education”. Basically this topic is about teachers as guide and counselors to the students. We discussed about the Principles of guidance and counseling.

The first principle is the problematic pupils should be given proper guidance and counseling services, irrespective of race, social status, background, religion or belief. It is against the ethics of teachers to discriminate students.

The second principle is guidance is centered to students and students are entitled to get help. Besides seeking knowledge from the teachers, they also seek teacher’s attention. It is continuous educational process from primary, secondary and university.

Guidance is based on the belief that human being has the ability to develop. It must be based on the ethics of guidance and counseling. Guidance is also a way towards cooperation. It means that teachers must get students to involve in activities.

The next principle is students cannot be forced to seek or obtain guidance or counseling service. From what I understand, they should go and see counselors if they want to. It must be on their initiative.

Guidance is based on behavior, awareness of respect and self esteem of an individual. Guidance aims to prevent rather than to correct. Teachers must be open and accept students as they are.

Counseling is a kind of interaction which occurs between counselors and the pupils based on their close relationship and common belief. Follow up activities should be planned after the process of guidance and counseling services. The primary roles of the class teacher in guidance service are to identify problematic pupils and provide guidance at a preliminary stage (early age).


The first objective is to help pupils to understand and inculcate good values, attitude and behavior in accordance with the schools’ culture as well as the norms of the society.

The second objective is to take care of pupil’s needs towards the direction of developing their potential to the optimum.

The third objective is to help pupils to understand their strengths and weaknesses so that they can adapt themselves according to their own ability as well as to select and plan appropriately for their future.

The last objective is to make pupils realize that there are other pupils who are willing to help them to solve their personal or academic problems.

It was a meaningful experience having Encik Awab as our IPD lecturer for one day. even tho' its quite boring and drove us to sleep. All of us (classmates) could not wait to go back early. Gan asked a good question. “Why when it comes to Group A and B, there are no classes to cancelled but when it comes to group C and D, when the lecturer MC or absent for any reason, there’ll be no lecturers replacing them. We were quite worried with the question since we’re afraid Encik Awab would feel abandoned and unneeded.

To Encik Azizi, get well soon.

Friday, February 02, 2007


Nature of Man

Date : 26/01/2007
Time : 10.00 – 11.30
Venue : DKA
Topic : Nature of Man

This chapter discusses about growth and development of children. There are several stages of growth and development from physical, cognitive and moral aspects from the perspective of notable scholars in this field.

Basically the most significant aspects covered in this chapter are the dual concepts of the nature of man namely human needs and human potentials. Nature of man can be viewed as the innate qualities of man that comprise his characteristics such is the behavior, capabilities, hidden talents and potentials.

Discussing about human potential, it includes all hidden talents, abilities and capabilities of man. Man’s potentials are about things that yet to be discovered. In order to make use of all the “inactive” talents, we have to first recognize, identify and lastly to develop the abilities to the utmost achievement. In order to understand our own feelings as well as others, we can follow a set of skills as information to guide our thinking and action. All the traits can be concluded into one word that is empathy. Meaning that we are able to understand other’s feeling by putting ourselves in their shoes.

This chapter in some ways has given me an idea of the growth and development of children beginning from their birth to the age of 16. (Four periods of development – Gessel). In certain ages, children have to undergo various kinds of periods in their development.

On the other hand, Havighurst views that life has to be undergone up to six periods from the infancy to the later life. Jean Piaget, a Swiss biologist and psychologist, renowned for constructing a highly influential model of child development and learning. His theory is based on the idea that the developing child builds cognitive structures.

Piaget identifies four stages of cognitive development which are; sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations and formal operations periods. There are lots more theories of children growth and development, but I am most interested in Kohlberg’s theory of moral development in which there are three main levels consisting of two stages each in child’s development. These levels represent different perspectives individuals can take while overcoming their problems and dilemmas. It is somehow important for us to know all the levels and stages of child’s development.

Be it from Piaget, Kahlberg, Havighurst and so forth. Even though they have quite different perspectives in children growth, but they somehow give the learners of children is like when they are at certain ages. When we get the picture that children of this age are like this and like that, it some ways give pictures on how they should be treated and so on.

The copies of notes given on human needs are not quite sufficient because the chapter focuses much on human potentials. There are no further details on its concepts, types and related theories. Most probably it is not so important but somehow it gives us a task to find out about it on our own.


Date : 23/01/2007
Time : 11.30 – 13.30
Venue : Studio 2
Topic : Introduction to Psychology

Generally the topic is about the foundation or the basis of psychology as a whole and educational psychology to be specific. The first thing that we need to understand in this chapter is that, the concepts of psychology and educational psychology.

Psychology is defined as a systematic study of animal and human behavior (observable and mental processes). This study also covers all kinds of pursuits. The term “behavior” includes all those aspects of human activity which can be observed.

On the other hand, educational psychology is a systematic study of learners, learning and teaching. It applies the findings of general, social and child psychology to assist for a better understanding in the learning process.

In this chapter, I have also learnt about motivation; types of motivation as well as the factors of motivation according to Maslow’s Theory. Specifically it is about motivating pupils based on the environment and also to use cooperative and collaborative learning.

The significant key terms in this chapter are, psychology, educational psychology, instincts, needs, drives, motivation, intrinsic (internal), extrinsic (external), Marlow’s Theory (deficiency and growth needs), cooperative and collaborative learning. It is important for us to know all the key terms as we need to know how to handle pupils’ age ranging from seven to twelve years old.

It is also vital for us to know as we need to later apply it in our practicum as well as our career soon after. The copies of notes given are sufficient and understandable except for the importance of psychology which has not been stated directly.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


i'm putting all notes reagrding my one-year course here. no more note for students.

last week, we went for BIG at Pangkor. i wanted to put some pictures here but then all pc's in the library did not allow me to do so.. so i guess i juz hafta upload it at home. but guys, you can owez view the pics in my friendster.