Miss Nurul Farida

A page that actually prepared for my students wen i was teaching in terengganu. but now i make it as a formal page for IPD notes which later will be compiled as a folio.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

miss misses u

o my! i missed my students, officemates sooooooooooo much!
juz now, there was one student of academic writing called me asking about essay n stuff..

i was really2 terharu as even tho' they've got new teacher, they still keep in touch wit me asking tis and tat. n i feel very appreciated for that.. thank u guyz.

next week i'm gonna be leaving my house to go "BACK TO SCHOOL!" in kl. hhehee.. i dah kena jadik student balik la citer nie..
to all my mentees, even tho' u will never read tis, i will owez love n miss u n i owez pray for ur success...